The Nettle Dress

, Start Time: 14:00 An Lanntair Kenneth Street Stornoway HS1 2DS

Event Type:
Documentary Features

UK 2022 65min, Language: English, Dir: Dylan Howitt, Classification BBFC: 12A

Textile artist Allan Brown spends seven years making a dress by hand just from locally foraged stinging nettles. This is 'hedgerowcouture', the greenest of slow fashion and also his medicine, how he survives the death of his wife that left him and his children bereft. A modern day fairytale and hymn to the healing power of nature and slow craft.

Actor Mark Rylance called the film "Exquisite and inspiring, beautiful and helpful for anyone suffering loss or grief".

Thanks to Dylan Howitt.

Associated Events

The Nettle Dress

14:00 Bernera Community Centre Breacleate Great Bernera HS2 9JG

The Nettle Dress

14:00 An Lanntair Kenneth Street Stornoway HS1 2DS

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