It''ll Never Work
Chan obraich e Stiùiriche: Joe Osborne UK 2024, Canan Beurla FFEIG: SP Film aithriseach a’ leantainn sgeul fìrinneach mu fhear a dh’atharraich eathar iasgaich gu cumhachd na grèine agus dealain. A’ chiad eathar san Rìoghachd Aonaite no ’s docha air an t-saoghal a bhiodh ag iasgach gu coimearsalta agus farpaiseach. Stèidhte air taobh an Iar na h-Alba am baile breagha Taigh a’ Bhalaich an Earra Ghàidheil. Thar na bliadhna eadar ceum air adhart ’s ceum air ais, duilicheadas, lèirsinn, dìorrasach agus làmhcharach an sgiobair a thog i. Chlàr an stiùiriche òg às an àite Joe Osborn dùbhlain an aimsir, ràithean na bhliadhna, neart na coimhearsnachd agus dòigh Earra Ghàidheal air a bhith a co-lìonadh rud. Tha e gar tarraing a-steach agus trioblaid an àrainneachd cho bitheanta. Bha làn fhios aig an iasgair seo gu feumar slighe saor o charbon a leantainn. Film beag cumhachdach. Sgeul fhìreannach, dràma agus film aithriseach, seallaidhean brèagha, rudan ùra a’ tachairt an còmhnaidh, comadaidh, boillsgeadh air beatha nan iasgairean, toileachas aig an deireadh, buille throm agus leasan mun àrainneachd a tha stèidhte am measg gnìomhachas nan iasgairean air Taobh an Iar na h-Alba. It’ll Never Work Dir: Joe Osborne UK 2024, Language English BBFC: PG The documentary style film follows the real-life struggle of converting the UK’s and possibly the world’s first fishing boat to solar and electric power to fish at a competitive and commercial level. It’s set on Scotland’s West coast in the scenic and alluring Argyll village of Tayvallich. Over the course of almost a year it follows the highs, lows and challenges related to the venture as well as the determination and skill set of the builder and skipper. The young local director Joe Osborn has skilfully ingrained the seasonal moods, the strong local community spirit and the Argyll way of doing things into a comfortably paced compelling story of our times. One fisherman’s conviction towards the carbon free future we all need to embrace. A small film, but a powerful one. It is a true story, a drama, a documentary, a visual spectacular, a thriller, an action movie, a comedy, a snapshot of real life, a feel good as well as tragedy and an environmental statement all set in the West Coast of Scotland’s fishing industry.