The Missile

, Start Time: 18:30 Cnoc Soilleir Cnoc Soilleir Daliburgh HS8 5SS

Event Type:
Drama Features
What's On - Uist & Barra

Inneal-Millteach  (Ohjus)

Stiùiriche: Miia Terva, Comadaidh/ Dràma, Fionnlainn & Estòinia 2024, Uair is 50mion., Cànan: Suòmais le fo- thiotalan Beurla. FFEIG:15

Sgeulachd chumhachdach mu thè
a bha air dhroch-dhìol fhaighinn, a’ togail clann leatha fhèin, ag obair aig pàipear-naidheachd am baile beag . Thèid a tarraing a-steach don tubaist le inneal-millteach, a’ cur beatha a’ bhaile beag bun os cionn.

The Missile (Ohjus)

Dir: Miia Tervo Comedy Drama Finland and Estonia 2024 1hr 50min Language Finnish with English Subtitles, HIFF15 

The empowering story of an abused single mother working at a small-town newspaper who gets drawn into the investigation surrounding the missile crash, which upends life in a small northern village.

Associated Events

The Missile

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19:30 Tarbert Community Centre Tarbert Isle of Harris HS3 3DG

The Missile

18:30 Cnoc Soilleir Cnoc Soilleir Daliburgh HS8 5SS

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