The Mountain
Buy Tickets, Start Time: 11:00 An Lanntair Kenneth Street Stornoway HS1 2DS
A’ Bheinn
Stiùiriche: Rachel House, Sealainn Nuadh, 2024 Drama Sgeulachd-siubhail Uair is 29mion. Cànan: Beurla FFEIG: PG
A’ Bheinn a’ leantainn triùir òganach a’ sireadh sòlas faisg air a’ bheinn Taranaki. Thogadh an nighean òg Sam, air taobh a-muigh a cultar Māori, tha i dìorrasach son ceangal a dhèanamh ris a’ bheinn an dòchas gum faigh i leigheas bhon aillse a tha oirre. Air an t-slighe tha i a’ coinneachadh ricuid a tha ùr dhan bhaile - Mallory, an dòchas caraidean de sheòrsa sam bith a lorg - agus Bronco a tha ag ràdh gu bheil e a’ teicheadh bho athair. Fhad ‘s a bhios iad a’ dèanamh
an slighe gharbh chunbheinn tha iad ag ionnsachadh fìor spiorad dànachd agus neart a chàirdeas.
The Mountain
Dir: Rachel House, New Zealand, 2024 Adventure Drama 1hr29min Language : English, HIFF:PG
The Mountain explores the journey of three young people as they seek solace under the watchful gaze of the Taranaki mountain. Sam, a fearless young girl raised outside of her Māori culture, is determined to fulfil her mission of connecting with her mountain in the hope they can heal
her from the cancer she battles. Along the way she meets some misfits and new kids in town – Mallory, hoping to find friends, any kind of friends - and Bronco who claims to be a runaway from his dad who is too busy to notice him. As they make their way through the difficult “off the beaten track” route, they learn the true spirit of adventure and the magic of friendship.