Sassuma Arnaa - Mother of the Sea

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, Start Time: 14:00 Tarbert Community Centre Tarbert Isle of Harris HS3 3DG

Event Type:
Short Films
What's On - Rural Lewis & Harris

Sassuma Arnaa - Màthair na Mara

Stiùiriche Rikke Hallund, an Danmhairg 2019 gun chànan, FFEIG: U 

Innsidh am film goirid seo Uirsgeul Màthair na Mara – ’s e seanchas a bhios cha mhòr a h-uile Inuit a’ eòlach air ann an cruth air choreigin, bho Graonlainn gu Artaig Chanada. ’S e sgeulachd beò a th’ ann, chan ann mun àm a dh’fhalbh. Tha an sgeulachd seo a’ gabhail àite an-dràsta fhèin, air ùrachadh le sgudail plastaig agus atharrachadh ghnè-thìde, tha e a’ toirt rabhadh mu na cunnartan a thaobh a’ toirt dìmeas air Màthair Nàdair.


Sassuma Arnaa - Mother of the Sea

Dir Rikke Hallund Denmark 2019 no language HIFF: U
This short film tells the Legend of The Mother of the Sea- a tale virtually every Inuit from Greenland to the Canadian Arctic knows in some form or another. This is a living story its not about the past; this story is taking place right now. Updated with plastic trash and climate change, it warns us all about the perils of disrespecting Mother Nature.

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Sassuma Arnaa - Mother of the Sea

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Sassuma Arnaa - Mother of the Sea

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Sassuma Arnaa - Mother of the Sea

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Sassuma Arnaa - Mother of the Sea

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Sassuma Arnaa - Mother of the Sea

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Sassuma Arnaa - Mother of the Sea

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Sassuma Arnaa - Mother of the Sea

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Sassuma Arnaa - Mother of the Sea

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Sassuma Arnaa - Mother of the Sea

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