Cowboy Poets

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, Start Time: 14:00 Carinish Village Hall Isle of North Uist HS6 5EJ

Event Type:
Documentary Features
What's On - Stornoway
What's On - Uist & Barra

Balaich a’ Chruidh ri Bàrdachd

Stiùiriche: Mike Day 2022 UK/USA Cànan: Beurla, 85 mionaid FFEIG IRE:12
Nuair a bhios iad aig a’ Cruinneachadh Nàiseanta, bidh balaich a’ chruidh a thionndaidh gu uirsgeulan ùr ’s aosta,
a feuchainn ris an dùthaich gam buinn iad a dhìon. ‘S tric tha ìomhaigh balaich a’ chruidh an Ameireagaidh air druim eich a’ dol tarsainn sgaoilteach de thalamh fosgailte sna filmichean. Am Balaich a’ Chruidh ri Bàrdachd tha rud nach eil cho aithnichte. Bàrdachd, òrain agus luchd ciùil a’ cruinneachadh aig tachartas bàrdachd an Nevada. San filmtha iad a’ sealltainn an dòigh beatha neo-àbhaisteach, ann am bàrdachd

’s òrain agus iad a’ cnuasachadh air
an àite a tha aca, san t-saoghal mhòr an-diugh. Chì sibh daoine a tha cruaidh agus èasgaidh nan obair làitheil agus sealladh-tire iongantach, beagan cianalas “Americana’.

Cowboy Poets

Dir: Mike Day 2022, UK / USA, Language: English, 85min HIFF Classification:12
As cowboys meet at the national Cowboy Gathering, they confront myths, old and new, to try to save the land they love. The image of heroic American cowboys riding through wide-open country dominates movies to this day. In Cowboy Poets, we

learn about a lesser-known passion of cowboys and cowgirls. Poets, songwriters, and musicians come

together at the Cowboy Poetry Gathering in Nevada. The film accompanies them as they record their unique way of life in poems and songs and consider their place is in today’s world. It shows their rough and ready everyday life as well as their creative work and combines this with breath- taking nature shots to create a piece of nostalgic “Americana.”

Special Screening thanks to Mike Day.


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14:00 Carinish Village Hall Isle of North Uist HS6 5EJ

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